CFP for Fall NEHA Meeting at Roger William Univ – Oct 26, 2019

We are pleased to call for papers and proposals for our Fall meeting at Roger Williams University in Bristol, Rhode Island, on October 26, 2019. The CFP deadline is August 15, 2019.

The New England Historical Association embraces not only the history of our own region of New England and the United States, but is equally concerned with European and World History.

As always, the program committee welcomes proposals on any subject, period, or geographical area from scholars within or outside the New England region. We are not limited to the history of New England; rather we seek the quality and variety of papers and sessions that might be presented at the AHA, including sessions on public history and the pedagogy of history. We encourage proposals from both established scholars and graduate students; undergraduate papers may also be presented, with faculty sponsorship. Complete session proposals as well as single paper proposals are welcome. Please include for each participant the paper title, one-page abstract and brief CV.

Download the CFP

Send proposals to:

Sean Perrone
Saint Anselm College
100 Saint Anselm Drive
Manchester, NH 03102

or via email: