Successful Spring Conference & Election Results

April 18, 2015 – Thanks to all who helped make our spring conference at Worcester State such a great success! More than a hundred participants joined together on a beautiful spring Saturday, including kicking off NEHA’s 50th birthday year with a cake at the luncheon. A special thanks to outgoing NEHA President Mark Herlihy for all his hard work over the last year, and to incoming President Cliff Putney, who put the program together.

Lifetime Achievement Awards were presented to James P. Hanlan, Bruce Cohen, and Peter Holloran for their many individual and combined years of service to NEHA.

We held an election, and the results were:

President: Clifford Putney, Bentley University
Vice President: Don Wyatt, Middlebury College
Executive Secretary: Martin Menke, Rivier University
Treasurer: Sean Perrone, St. Anselm College
Executive Board: James P. Hanlan (WPI), Candace Kanes (Maine Historical Society), Troy Paddock (Southern Connecticut State University)
Nominating Committee: Sara Georgini (Mass Historical Society / The Adams Papers), Kristen Petersen (Mass College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences)

Congratulations to all!

The membership also approved two amendments to the NEHA constitution: raising membership dues a modest amount (effective January 2016), and clarifying the constitution’s language regarding election policies.

A reminder to chairs, panelists and audience members that if you heard an outstanding graduate student paper at the meeting, please nominate it for the Grad Student Paper Prize by contacting the prize committee chair, Mary Kelly at (no self-nominations).