NEHA Spring 2015 CFP: Submission Deadline Feb 1, 2015

The New England Historical Association proudly announces its Spring 2015 meeting will be held Saturday, April 18, 2015 at Worcester State University.

The program committee welcomes proposals on any subject, period, or geographical area from scholars within or outside the New England region. We seek the variety of papers and sessions that might be presented at the American Historical Association (as we are a regional affiliate). We encourage proposals from both established scholars and graduate students; undergraduate papers may also be presented, with faculty sponsorship. Proposals for complete sessions or individual papers are equally welcome. Please include for each participant a paper title, one-page abstract and brief CV.

We have extended the deadline!
Please send proposals by February 1, 2015 to:

Professor Cliff Putney
Department of Humanities
Bentley University
175 Forest Street
Waltham MA 02452


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