Successful Fall Meeting at Emmanuel College

At our fall meeting on Saturday, October 29, we had the highest attendance ever, and lunch sold out. That’s one way we know it was a successful meeting! We began the post-lunch session a wee bit early so it could end in time to get people home before the snowstorm (! usually not part of our planning for the October meeting, but… it is New England, after all). We appreciate the gracious hospitality of our Emmanuel College host team. Thanks to everyone who gave papers, provided posters for the poster session, chaired, commented, and helped things to move along smoothly.

Remember, the conference’s program is permanently archived here on the website, in case you need to access it again. Our spring conference will be April 21, 2011 at Rivier College in Nashua, New Hampshire. The CFP is here (deadline January 15, 2012).