Dear friends and members of NEHA,
We are pleased to announce our call for papers for the Fall 2021 New England Historical Association meeting. Our fall conference will be a virtual gathering on Saturday, October 23, 2021. Thank you to Worcester State University for being our hosts.
For our Fall meeting, we invite submissions of individual papers or full panels or sessions, and we encourage you to share our CFP widely (download our flyer here). We are pleased that holding a virtual meeting may allow us to feature presenters from outside our geographic region as well as those closer to home.
We welcome proposals that reflect research from any historical field or subdiscipline, including applied historical scholarship in pedagogy or public history.
We also invite proposals for roundtables, on topics such as: Critical Race Theory: Strategies for Faculty In and Out of the Classroom; COVID-19 on Campus and in Historical Perspective; Self-Care in Academia; Graduate Comprehensive Exam Strategies; Getting the Most out of a Campus Library. Reach out to our conference organizer if you’re interested in convening or participating in any of these.
Our deadline’s now been extended by two weeks!
Please send proposals and a brief vita to: Charlotte Gradie, NEHA Vice President, at, by August 15, 2021 September 1, 2021.