We have extended to August 26, 2020 the call for papers and proposals for the NEHA Fall 2020 meeting, now planned as a virtual conference hosted by Sacred Heart University on October 17, 2020.
The program committee welcomes proposals on any subject, period, or geographical area from scholars within or outside the New England region.
The Association does NOT focus on the history of New England or of the United States but is equally concerned with European and World History. In response to current events, we are especially interested in panels and papers addressing the history of race and violence, pandemics and COVID-19, and debates around public history and monuments.
Complete session proposals as well as single paper proposals are welcome.
Due to public health concerns, we will be hosting this meeting online. We will provide additional details prior to the event.
Please send proposals with brief vita by August 26, 2020 to:
Jessica Parr, NEHA Vice President
Submission email: nehasubmissions@gmail.com
For additional information:
Tona Hangen, Executive Secretary
email: thangen@worcester.edu