NEHA 50th / Past Presidents Roundtable (Oct 2015)

We are pleased to present the recorded session from the October 2015 meeting in New Haven, featuring a roundtable of past NEHA presidents reminiscing about the early days of the organization and what has (and hasn’t) changed in our association’s efforts to support history in the New England region. Many thanks to the folks at Southern Connecticut State University for hosting and providing the video services.

Past Presidents in Attendance: Cliff Putney (2015-2016), Mark Herlihy (2014-2015), Martine Menke (2011-2012), Melanie Gustafson (2010-2011), George Dameron (2006-2007), Robert J. Imholt (2004-2005), Jim O’Toole (2002-2003), Joanne Schneider (2000-2001), Alan Rogers (1999-2000), Roland Sarti (1996-1997), Pat Herlihy (1995-1996), Bruce M. Stave (1994-1995), Richard Buel (1992-1993), Paul Fideler (1987-1988), John Voll (1982-1983 and Executive Secretary 1974-1977) and Jim Hanlan (Executive Secretary 1995-2015).

First Newsletter Issue (May 1974)

2016-04-25 14_30_42-NEHANews FirstIssue_May1974.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Pro

2016-04-25 14_30_56-NEHANews FirstIssue_May1974.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Pro