NEHA’s Book Prize Committee (Kristen Petersen, Marie B. McDaniel, Ian Delahanty, and Martin Menke) are delighted to announce the winner of this year’s James P. Hanlan Book Prize. Mark Peterson, the Edmund S. Morgan Professor of History at Yale University, has received the award for his work The City-State of Boston: The Rise and Fall of an Atlantic Power, 1630-1865 (Princeton, 2019).
Publisher’s Website

Reviewer comments included:
“The word that comes to mind for this book is “magisterial.†Petersen delivers a three centuries long history of Boston that has fundamentally challenged the way I conceive of and teach about not only New England’s colonial history but also the history of the Atlantic World more generally.”
“I found Peterson’s approach to urban history and to Boston to be unique and compelling. As an historian who has read as many books on Boston’s history as have popped off presses, this is the finest, in my humble opinion.”